A change in licensing and vehicle equipment regulations will allow racers of high performance, off street vehicles to continue to participate in the safety of Australian National Drag Racing Association (ANDRA) sanctioned off street events.

ANDRA has recognised the safety standards of modern cars have increased and past limitations have been a barrier for entry to the sport and would like to encourage participants to continue to race their vehicles in a safe environment.

ANDRA events and operations manager Brenton Myers said the change will see four wheel disc brake and airbag-equipped vehicles slower than 11.00sec (previously 12.00sec) able to race on a Divisional Drag Racing Licence and with simplified safety requirements of a seat belt, long clothes and an approved helmet at ANDRA off street events.

“There is always a requirement for ANDRA to act in the interests of the safety of competitors so we take time to carefully consider changes to safety rules,” he said. “ANDRA has been doing the hard research on the best options for people who enjoy racing at sanctioned venues.”

The licence change means racers will not have to invest in an upgrade so early, though they are still welcome to join ANDRA and receive the many benefits of membership.

“We would much rather see people returning to the track to race and enjoying the thrill of drag racing in a safe environment,” Mr Myers said.

ANDRA is continuing to review regulations concerning off street vehicles, with research currently being done into safe limits for off street drag racing participants.

Requirements for vehicles running quicker than 11.00sec are being looked at, with the safety of participants coming first and foremost.

As the official drag racing sanctioning body in Australia, ANDRA has a responsibility to ensure the complete safety of its participants at all times and at all levels.

If you have any further enquiries, please contact Brenton Myers on (08) 8271 5355.