ANDRA Caretaker CEO, Ian Brown, wishes to provide the following update to ANDRA members:

“We have spent a great deal of time and some dollars on trying to upgrade the software of our membership and licensing system,” Brown said.

“Unfortunately, it has been found that our current system is too old to successfully take upgrades and it will not communicate with later software and operating systems.

“In light of this, we have investigated replacement systems and have now arrived at a point where we have identified a preferred system supplier who has very successfully implemented their system with other Motorsport bodies.

“This new system will be web based and will be accessed by a tab on the ANDRA web page. With this system, your license will be produced as a digital license you can carry on your phone, and which can also be printed by you if you so wish, with the same being the case for logbooks.

“Under the new system, ANDRA officials will be able to securely access your logbook and update it meeting to meeting from anywhere in the country. You will also be able to login and update your contact details at any time.

“During our conversion to the new system, we will be issuing temporary licenses. These licenses will be emailed to all members who currently have outstanding licence renewals, those who have received an email confirmation from us previously, and any renewals or new licences processed during the transitional period.

“You have been very patient throughout the office move and as we have navigated the IT issues and we are very thankful for that.

“We ask for that patience to continue for a little longer as we move to a state-of-the-art system which will take us into the future.”

ANDRA members who have questions should email